Euphorie Escort

Escort Girl Milana

Milana is a fascinating woman, an accomplished lady in public, pleasant and attentive, with perfect manners, a seductive yet discreet demeanor, and an excellent sense of style. She exudes a natural warmth and yet is surrounded by a mysterious aura that makes it exciting to find out more about this charming lady…because you can feel that beneath the elegant surface of this educated and sophisticated business lady slumbers an unexpected, wicked sensuality that is second to none is looking for… Plan enough time for a rendezvous with Milana, because she is so multifaceted that time flies with her all too quickly…

Escort Girl Milana

A few words about Milana…
Milana is a fascinating woman, an accomplished lady in public, pleasant and attentive, with perfect manners, a seductive yet discreet demeanor, and an excellent sense of style. She exudes a natural warmth and yet is surrounded by a mysterious aura that makes it exciting to find out more about this charming lady…because you can feel that beneath the elegant surface of this educated and sophisticated business lady slumbers an unexpected, wicked sensuality that is second to none is looking for… Plan enough time for a rendezvous with Milana, because she is so multifaceted that time flies with her all too quickly…


Besides the feminine qualities and versatility, I offer passionate kisses; shower and bath games; stimulating and imaginative full body massages; tenderness; girlfriend erotica; sensual oral pleasure safe; French on both sides; light finger games; hot Spanish game; repeated pampering is possible.
On request, an exciting little role-playing game, an erotic strip with extremely attractive lingerie, foot eroticism, verbal eroticism, deepthroat, body insemination, AV, bizarre games submissive/dominant, service for couples, and much more.
I love variety and have a small selection of “erotic toys” that can be discreetly brought along if desired.

1 hour 500€
2 hours 800€
3 hours 1000€
4 hours 1200€
5 hours 1400€
8 hours 1800€
12 hours 2000€
24 hours 3000€


Dates & Preferences

Residence :


Travel availability:


Linguistic proficiency:

German, English, Russian


Italian, Japanese, International

Clothing style :

Business, Elegant, Chic und sexy

Drinks :

Champagne, wine, cocktails

Bra size:

80 C


Honest, passionate, self-confident, humorous, full of life, sensual

Hobbies and interests:

Chess, opera, art, culture, museums, literature


Skiing, martial arts, sailing, fitness, swimming, dancing


Bisexual, service for couples


tolerant non-smoker, no piercing, no tattoo

Buchungsanfrage via Email

Telefonische Buchung bitte an:

+49 1636674768 bzw. per WhatsApp

Wir sind verpflichtet, Sie, gem. § 32 ProstSchG, auf die gesetzliche Kondompflicht für sexuelle Dienstleistungen hinzuweisen, die seit dem 1.7. 2017 in Deutschland gilt. Sie haben als Kunde/ Kundin dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass bei Oral-, Anal und Geschlechtsverkehr ein Kondom verwendet wird. Bei Zuwiderhandlungen kann gegen Sie in einem Ordnungswirdigkeitenverfahren ein Bußgeld von bis zu 50.000 € verhängt werden